Research support

    Bio-resource Payment Section

Research support

    EBio-Resource Payment Section

    The NPO Science Education Laboratory supports the procedure to purchase Bio-Resources and its related products in low price without various bank fees and commissions. The price you pay is set to the same amount as you purchase at the desk of the bioresource institute directly. The transport cost varies depending on where the orderer or user receive the Bio-Resources.

* Easy, quick, and simple order system through the internet
* Confirmation of resource availability at the order
* Instant credit card payment assures sending out resources immediately
* Significant savings on the bank fees

If you are in troblue, please check here. ( FAQ )

Please check bank fees in your country, if you are interested in transferring money through a bank.
Here is an example of bank fees of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ for sending money to overseas countries and receiving from overseas. (In Japanese)

    Refer to the sites below for Genetic Bio-Resources in Japan.
National Bio-Resource Project in Japan